When it comes to the end of a relationship, there is the type of woman who stays friends with her ex, the type who wipes her hands clean and calls it a day and then there is the type who writes a breakup letter so epic it goes viral. That “type” might just be only […]

Yet another reality TV show relationship bites the dust. It was just announced that Trina Braxton of the We TV hit show “The Braxtons” has…

The news that Pam Bryant, Kobe’s Bryant’s mother, is trying to sell a million dollars worth of Kobe’s memorabilia apparently left with her has opened…


“It is easier to raise strong children than repair broken men.” – Frederick Douglass Douglass said those words years ago, but their wisdom is timeless.…

I was lollygagging at work dreading my commute home when my fellow 9-to-5′er,  Danielle Young told us a story about one of her roommates. Her…

On Easter Sunday, actor Mekhi Phifer got married for the second time to his girlfriend Rachelet Barnes. It must have been a bittersweet day for…

[In my Kanye West voice] Black women hold the blame for the break down and break up of black families. There. I said it. I’m sure many of you will automatically disagree with me. You will call me all kinds of names except a child of God. I respect your position, but I ask that […]


Jacque Reid Goes “Inside Her Story” with Angela D. Coleman about her matchmaking company called African-American Matchmaking.

I recently received a text message from a male friend.  He wanted to get a female perspective on a conversation he was having with a male friend. In the text message he asks if I think a guy should propose to his girlfriend to keep her family from hating him. *Insert confused and annoyed look […]

North Carolina native Fantasia ended 2012 by releasing an emotional R&B track about being caught up in a relationship gone wrong. Tasia gives us her normal powerful vocals full of emotion set over a sample of “Nightshift” by the Commodores. Listen to the track and tell us what you think. Is this song hot or […]

Today at 3p.m. on Madd Issues Monday Does your wife/girlfriends or friends support your relationship or interfere with it? Is it serious enough to end the relationship. What advice or lessons have you learned about allowing friends and family into your personal business and in your bedroom?

Are you having relationship issues. Join Michael Baisden today at 3p.m. Why do some women fell it’s inappropriate to make the first move. Call the man you like today and tell him you’re interested and want to get to know him better.