Detective Gordon's comments, initially reported last month shortly after the shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, marked the simmering tension between the Black community and law enforcement over police interactions.

Walker told WGRZ that he would not be "intimidated," and remain vigilant as an active member of his community on Monday after receiving the hateful note, but it's unclear if and when he will return to duty.

According to Mic, the Chicago Police Department confirmed that the woman was removed from the event after the incident.

The Miss Teen USA organization, not at all concerned that their newest role model used the N-word, defended the Texas teenager.

The charges sound foolish, but do they sound familiar? Ramsey Orta was also arrested after filming Eric Garner's death.

Republican congressman said non-Europeans made no contributions to civilization. This is the latest racially inflammatory comment from Rep. Steve King.

Family members of the victims are expected to attend the parole hearing, including Sarah Collins Rudolph, sister to Addie Mae Collins. Jones says he doesn't expect the parent's of Carol Denise McNair to attend, but reports her sisters will make an appearance.

According to the site, Garner yelled, "I was railroaded! I was railroaded by ABC on the two-year anniversary of my father's death! That's what I have to do? A black person has to yell to be heard?" after she was refused backstage.

The world expresses grave concern about race-based violence involving America's police force. There's plenty of blame for ineffective lawmakers and embedded racism in the American psyche.


“The two occupants just look like people that were involved in a robbery,” the officer says. “The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just ‘cause of the wide set nose,” the officer continues.

Jacque Reid goes Inside Her Story with Teacher and Diversity Trainer Jane Elliott to get her thoughts on the state of race in the United States today and her iconic Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes exercise. “Racism is another symbol of our ignorance. Everything in this country is in some way, connected to racism. People think that there are […]

He kicked off the 4th of July weekend by tweeting out a swipe at Hillary Clinton, adding another link to his "crooked Hillary" message, but of course, he didn't end there.