It seems like self-care is the thing that everyone has been talking about since we got hit with a pandemic. But what is self-care? Is it just getting a manicure and a massage? Or is it more than that? We chatted with Doc Swiner about the benefits of and types of self-care as well as […]

A woman finds out her husband has been going for weekly massages that always include a “happy ending.” While the massage itself isn’t what bothers her,…

With thoughts of what kind of gift to give with Valentine’s day approaching, a shoulder massage is always welcomed.  It can be given in a platonic way to a friend that is working long hours at their desk, or to a lover to help them get in a romantic mood. The benefits of a shoulder […]

( — Permission granted: You can officially stop feeling guilty about those little “bad-for-you” habits you can’t seem to break. Turns out, many of life’s greatest indulgences bring big health benefits — helping you stay slim, fight off the blues, and kick disease to the curb. And we’ve got the 10 best right here, conveniently […]