Exclusive Interviews

Thanksgiving is usually a time when families come together and celebrate. But sometimes you might have an unexpected change of plans. Listen to the audio…

The holiday season is in full swing so it’s high time you start planning your looks. One question stands out in particular: what to wear…

Holiday Guide

James Bond and Batman were both known for one thing…gadgets. If you’ve ever seen either man in action, you know that the strength of their…

While we’re home vacationing and celebrating during the holiday seasons, keeping our loved ones safe from harm is important.  Knowing how to protect our children…

He takes care of you and the kids (his or not), holds down the house, does dishes, takes out the trash (without being asked), kills…

Holiday Guide

Here’s the thing C h r i s t m a s, I’m sick of you and I’m finally going to stand up for myself.…

Exclusive Interviews

Fellas do you have your very own Olivia Pope? Let “The D.L. Hughley Show” help you with the perfect gift for the holiday’s. Listen to the…

While Hollywood continues to scratch their heads about the opening weekend success  of “The Best Man Holiday,” director Malcolm D. Lee is taking it in…

Every man who’s ever had to buy gift for his woman has had to walk the shopping tightrope. On one side is all the stuff…

In 1966 Dr Maulana Karenga created an Afro-American holiday designed to honor African heritage and tradition called Kwanzaa. The week long celebration is observed between…

Drop in a regional library of Wake County Public Libraries to receive great tips from the best books on holiday cooking, entertaining, decorating, and more.  Librarians will be on site for about an hour to provide one-on-one reading recommendations and/or book talks all about the upcoming holidays.  Sessions are free and no registration is necessary. […]