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Do you recommend using Biofreeze on a sore back?

Yes, Biofreeze happens to be a great product. It works quite similarly to ice.

Can my occasional and back pain be connected to my TMJS?

If this is Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction, then the answer is a resounding yes! In my book, 3 Weeks To A Better Back, I explain how to figure out if your back pain is TMJS involved and what to do about it.

What can truck drivers do to help their back? 

Truck drivers can really benefit from my backbridge system(  The many hours sitting put a compressive load on your back and ideally, you want to decompress your spine. Also make sure that you are eating well – decrease sugar and caffeine intake.

My wife has lower lumbar pain from being pushed through glass. Do you suggest any specific strains of marijuana to help?

I have no knowledge on this. I hope she feels better, though.

Can chronic constipation also cause low back pain due to the inflammation of the intestinal wall? 

Constipation is quite a common cause of back pain, consequently getting the bowels working properly will often eliminate back pain

Does your book cover herniated discs?

It does. Please keep in mind just because you have a disc herniation doesn’t mean that your pain is being caused by the disc. There are millions of people who have disc herniations that have absolutely no pain. Included in my book are studies that debunk the disc herniation model.

Does spondylolisthesis require surgery?

Not necessarily. Each case is unique. An orthopedist would be a good professional to evaluate this.

What’s the best mattress for a tall person’s back…soft, firm, elevated or what?

Mattresses are all, essentially, a personal choice. The best mattress for a tall person would be a long one. It is more important to get the mattress from a store or company that will allow you to exchange it after 30 days or so to see if it works for you.

Dr. Sinett, I would like to know more about the back diet!

Try my book 3 Weeks To A Better Back. I don’t think you will be disappointed. I am currently the only person speaking about the role diet plays in back pain.

I work with computers and networks. Sometimes on a ladder my back and the bottom of my feet hurt.

There are some great stretches that may be of help; imbalances in your feet can frequently cause back pain. 

As a cheerleader, we do jump splits in the air and land still in that airborne split. Could this cause back problems even though the correct techniques are followed?

Yes!  Impressive but not necessarily good for your back. You may want to be evaluated by a physical therapist or chiropractor or even get my book so you can learn some good back stretches.

My husband (60) has a degenerative disc  issue in his lower back and experiences back pain regularly. He owns a distributing company and does a lot of lifting. I want to get him a good back support belt but there are so many. Which do you recommend?

I don’t really love back support belts, your back should be able to do the supporting. I would like to see your husband see if he can fix his problem and not need to be belted. I really urge you to pick up my book it may be able to demystify degenerative disc diagnosis and also please look into my Backbridge system at It may really make a difference.

Is sleeping on your back the best position? It’s been working for me ever since bootcamp (over 25 years ago).

If it is working for you keep it up! I don’t really put too much stock into sleeping positions.

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Get Well Wednesday: Dr. Todd Sinett Answers Your Aching Back Questions  was originally published on

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