Let’s first point out that there were also red and blue elevators. Now…the story: People were giving the coordinators of the RNC a side-eye this weekend when photos were taken of signs marked ‘white elevators.’ https://twitter.com/ByronTau/status/754357522207604737?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw So, apparently there are red elevator signs, white elevators and blue elevators. But some people thought the signs marked […]

Sparks could fly at the Republican convention. Here are five things to look for.

In an effort to recruit Democratic-leaning Black and urban voters, the Republican National Committee has launched a four-week Ohio campaign that will focus on outreach…

Fifty-eight years ago today, Rosa Parks, then 43-years-old, became a lightening rod for the Civil Rights Movement when she was arrested for refusing to give…

Former Secretary of State in the Bush 43 Administration, Condoleeza Rice, was thoroughly vetted to be the vice-presidential running mate for GOP presidential nominee, Mitt…


Comedian Bill Maher may be an avid political and financial supporter of President Barack Obama, but he still found the rambling “sit down” that octogenarian…

As soon as Paul Ryan (pictured) was officially unveiled as Mitt Romney’s choice for vice president, conservatives swarmed in to set the narrative that the…

If you’re one those Black Americans who has asked yourself, “What has the Republican National Committee done for me lately?” look no further than their…

Ken Mehlman, who headed the Republican National Committee between 2005 and 2007, has come out in an interview with the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder: Mehlman arrived at this conclusion about his identity fairly recently, he said in an interview. He agreed to answer a reporter’s questions, he said, because, now in private life, he wants to become […]