Rev. Al Sharpton talks about the moral compass of the 31 Governors who have decided not to take in refugees in the wake of the…

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about the allegations  against presidential candidate Ben Carson and explains the importance of him staying focused during his race. “I think…

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about President Obama’s criminal justice reforms efforts in the midst of his stance on “ban the box”, a bill that wouldn’t allow…


According to the World Health Organization, bacon, sausage, and other processed meats are cancer culprits.

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about the lack of discussion about voting rights and police reform at the Democratic debate. “There was no discusssion of voting rights and…

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about the surprise resignation of John Boehner and his Speaker of the House seat and why blacks should be worried. “The…


According to TV One, they’ve taken the number one cable network position in primetime among Black viewers in all key demos.

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who made headlines for not issuing marriage certificates to homosexuals, based on her religious beliefs.…

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about the surge of Donald Trump and Ben Carson in the 2016 presidential election. “There is a thirst and hunger in…


Vester Lee Flanagan allegedly sought out the personnel records of the two people he killed when he was trying to sue the network.

Rev. Al Sharpton talks about the importance of watching rebellion happen, in light of the 50th anniversary of the Watts race riots, that left 34…

Unlike almost every one of her Republican rivals, Hillary Clinton is not ignoring the Black vote. It’s likely mostly because she recognizes she can’t without…