
Earlier this year, Superstar Beyonce Knowles announced her involvement with First Lady Michelle Obama’s initiative to stop childhood obesity. Mrs. Obama is currently visiting cities across the country speaking about this epidemic and how we can provide better solutions for families.  Several celebrities and other concerned individuals have donated their time and energy to join […]

The White House squashed the so-called birthers issue once and for all today, releasing President Obama’s “long-form birth certificate.” newsone Read More

Wednesday 86° Cloudy skies this morning and humid as well with a small chance for a shower. Later this afternoon we expect variably cloudy skies with some hit or miss showers and storms developing. Highs in the mid-upper 80s. There is a slight risk that some of the storms that do pop up this afternoon […]

On the 25th of April, the First Family hosted a record number of people on the South Lawn in their backyard for the 133rd White House Easter Egg Roll. 30,000 people from around the country embraced this year’s theme “Get Up Go!” — a part of the First Lady’s Let’s Move! initiative to raise a […]

I hope that there is a reasonable conclusion to this fiasco

Protecting your infants and young children from disease is important.  This simple task can protect your family and community.  Between April 23-30, National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) is the annual celebration promoting the importance of immunization and keeping your child and communities healthy.  As a part of a bigger global campaign,  this week is being […]

The antibiotics we have to treat it in the United States, researchers warn are slowly becoming obsolete. Years ago we would have been very confident that a pill or shot would cure us. Those days are dwindling it appears according to new CDC reports. In 2009, nearly a quarter of strains tested in a nationwide […]

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced today nearly $110 million is available through three grant programs to help families who receive HUD rental assistance get the necessary education or job training to gain employment. One of the grant programs also helps senior citizens connect with supportive services to allow them to remain […]

Russell Barnes, the girl’s father, said that a female body found in the Susquehanna River in northeast Maryland is that of his daughter, Phylicia Barnes. It was recovered about 40 miles from where she was last seen, in the city of Baltimore. On Thursday night, Maryland State Police Superintendent Terrence Sheridan and Baltimore Police Commissioner […]

The liver is important. We don’t spend much time thinking about it unless  it is  in bad condition, If your liver is unhealthy, then so is your entire body because this organ affects virtually every part of your body. The liver is like a computer’s hard drive—it does all the hard work of running every […]

Spring is a time to clean and renew. We open windows to let in sunlight, clean the house and get the yard in shape. This is also a great time to review and tidy up your finances. Here are some ways to spruce up your personal portfolio and work out a budget this spring: Gather […]