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The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s whirlwind three-day New York City trip will certainly be a memorable one. First the Duchess Kate Middleton (pictured) had to endure the sweaty…

Despite two recent decisions by grand juries in Ferguson and Staten Island not to indict White police officers in the killings of two unarmed Black…

Ingredients: 4 cans Coco JoyCoconut Water 6 egg yolks 1/2 cup sugar 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 8 ounces spiced rum Ice Cinnamon Coconut flakes…

There’s just something about a fresh salmon dish that just screams home-cooked meal. It’s one of those proteins you can meal prep for the week…

Clay Jackson (pictured), an Allen Texas high school basketball coach is being referred to as a “racial bully” by a few angry parents because he has…

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Recent protests against the police killings of Eric Garner and Michael Brown have created a conundrum for the nation’s black fraternities and…

Beyonce Releases Short Film We can honestly say, this is the most vulnerable we’ve ever seen Beyonce. The “Flawless” superstar released “Yours And Mine,” a…

White people know nothing about Kwanzaa. Let’s be honest, black people barely know! But listen to the audio player to hear D.L. Hughley explain everything…

Now this is hilarious! Listen to the audio player to hear “The D.L. Hughley Show” prank call a woman about her dog. Find out how…

Prepare yourself to be excited. According to a new study dessert, yes the good stuff, is can actually help you lose weight! Listen to the…

You might want to stay clear of these places! Listen to the audio player to hear the top five least educated cities in the U.S.…