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Doc, I have severe eczema that has been on the back of my arm for 2 years – what can I do about it?

In 2004 a started getting scales on my back with acne and itchiness. In February of this year, because of my lambda kappa ratio counts being 1265 and 115, I was diagnosed with smoldering myeloma. Could this diagnosis be related to my back issues? Is it possibly skin poisoning or cancer??? I have gone to several dermatologists over the years to no prevail.

I’m an African-American male. What’s the cure for dark spots on your face? 

Dark spots usually occur after an inflammatory process (acne, eczema, hair bumps). The cause of the inflammation must be controlled first. Once that is done there are prescription medications and some procedures that may help improve the condition.

I have a dry patch on the corner of my mustache that comes and goes. Can you tell me what that is?

Sounds like seborrheic dermatitis. Try washing your moustache 2x per week with over the counter Nizoral or ketoconazole shampoo. If this does not help, then please make an appointment with a dermatologist.

Can a dermatologist help with female hair thinning almost to the point of baldness? Does Rogaine for women work on Black hair?

Hair loss can be caused by many, many things. Please make an appointment with a dermatologist who can help you with the diagnosis and treatment.

I have an increasing number of brown moles – some raised as I age. Are certain locations more prone to become neoplastic? Should they be removed or biopsied?

Most people do not grow true moles after their mid 20’s. As one has birthdays, one develops other growths, most often benign. They sound like a growth called dermatosis papulosa nigra. If this is the case, these are benign growths and they can be removed in the dermatologist’s office.

Dr. Jackson, I’m 42 and starting to see more skin tags around and on the base of my genitals. I had an extended skin tag removed 5 years ago from my leg. Should this be a concern for cancer? Should I attempt to remove on my own by freezing? Thank you!

Skin tags start occurring in the late 20s and one continues to grow them with birthdays. They can often bleed after removal so I would recommend they be removed in a doctor’s office. Additionally, not everything that looks like a skin tag is a skin tag. Best to have a proper diagnosis.

If you continuously pick at scabs/sores on your body, can that cause skin cancer?

Picking will prevent healing of a lesion and may actually cause scarring and discoloration but it will not cause skin cancer. We worry when a lesion is not healing on its own.

I’ve been deployed to Iraq and been exposed to sand and very hot sun. Is it possible that I may have skin cancer even though I’m Black? 

People who work outdoors are indeed at increased risk. You have sun exposure from above as well as it being reflected from the surface below. Regardless of skin color, sun exposure will increase your risk over your lifetime. I would encourage you to see a dermatologist annually for a skin cancer screening and certainly sooner if you see any non-healing lesions.

I was burned really badly on my back during a drum corps show in 1992. Since then, I’ve been diagnosed with Lyme disease (which I received treatment for yet am I still have inflammation. I have been getting bumps and notes on my bottom and inside my thighs only, Do you have any idea of what could be causing it?

Any non-healing lesion is a concern. If you were burned, I presume that does put you at slight increased risk, but please let that also serve as a reminder to apply your sunscreen prior to outdoor activities.

What does cancer in the groin look like?

Any new growth or non-healing lesion should be evaluated. Skin cancer can look differently in different skin tones to it is best to have it evaluated by a dermatologist.

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Get Well Wednesday: Dr. Jackson Answers Your Skin Cancer Questions  was originally published on

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