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My husband is 63 and very afraid of doctors because his dad died of prostate cancer and his brother is dying from cancer. How can I make him see the importance of him going to the doctor?

Some men don’t go because they don’t want to find out there is anything wrong. Point out to him that the earlier a problem is found, the greater the likelihood of things being treatable.  That fear is precisely what cause men to be diagnosed very late in the disease process, when treatment is more difficult and less likely to be successful. And choosing the right doctor is key.

My mother is the one I can’t convince to go to the doctor. She has been complaining about knee pain for over 2 years and refuses to see anyone. What canI do to get her to see a physician?

If and when the knee pain gets severe enough, she is likely to want to go. Concentrate on getting her to go to a doctor so that she can stay healthy. Ask everyone you know for a recommendation about a compassionate physician that she will have a good experience with.

Is colorectal cancer preventable?

In many cases, yes.  Most colon cancers develop from polyps (growths in the colon that are not cancerous to start). During colonoscopy, polyps are removed and this can prevent them from progressing to cancer.

How can my husband find a doctor in the Buffalo, N.Y. area? We just relocated.

Do a search for the local medical society – those organizations typically maintain an up-to-date directory of physicians. Then look at the online profiles of the physicians you are considering. Finally, get personal recommendations if you can.

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Get Well Wednesday: Help Your Man Get Healthy  was originally published on

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