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Number 1: Lack of good parenting or like we used to say in the old days, lack of home training.

The doctor says parents who are either absent or who don’t actually understand what it means to be parents have fueled this behavior over the last few decades.

I have often said that just because you can have a baby, it doesn’t mean you should have one.

And it makes me wonder if we’re reaching a point where people ought be licensed to have kids, yes I said that licensed to have kids, or at the very least required to take parenting classes.

Something to think about.

And the second and very important reason the doctor tells me that we’re so angry is because, and this relates to what’s going on now in the world and Washington, because of the wealth gap in this country.

According to, the top 1 percent of the population control 43 percent of the wealth in America.

Most of our information is controlled by a few brands or just a few companies, the same with health care.

So feeling powerless, many of us unconsciously lash out.  And that gets me to those angry people you see in Washington now, arguing with reporters, yelling at each other on TV or on the House and Senate floors.

Many of those people are upset and angry because rather than sharing the wealth, they want to keep the status quo which has served them well, their rich friends well, their supporters well and their family members well.

So, whether Americans realize it at home or not, some of these individual acts are misplaced violence. That’s the lower classes rising up in smaller bursts of anger against those with the money and power.

It’s sort of like the misplaced anger that people use when they riot or burn down their own neighborhoods after a controversial verdict or court decision. That’s why I say America is in desperate need of a psychological makeover, immersion therapy into to self and world awareness about why we act and do what we do.

And just like some parents, those leaders in DC are setting really bad examples for us. All of  the gridlock, the anger and the sleight of hand over health care are only making the patient worse.

POWERLESS: Why Are We So Angry?  was originally published on

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