Jay Z  is one the world’s biggest trendsetters. If Hov says he’s wearing black four years straight and might bring back Versace shades, chances are…

Caleb Clemmons (pictured), a Georgia student, remains imprisoned for a “joke” he made on his Tumblr page earlier this year. SEE ALSO: Black Women Have…

These photos from a Giant 2003 photo shoot found their way onto Beyoncé’s Tumblr earlier today for the 10th anniversary of her GIANT Magazine Cover.…

Even mega rich rap superstars have problems, and illustrator Ali Graham shows us what problems Jayz may come across everyday.  Ali Graham created some funny sketches to…


Mellody Hobson talks about wills during today’s “Money Mondays” segment. I’ve talked about the importance of getting your affairs in order to assure your wishes…

Although men, in general, care very little about yoga (a few do — we see you, Russell), they do have love for the pants during…

Tumblr is now the ninth most visited site in the United States and has over 60 million blogs. Which now makes its one of the…

If you’re a fan of the female form and you frequent the NSFW side of Tumblr, chances are you’ve been to 40ozvannyc.tumblr.com [NSFW]. Named for its…