Twitter is abuzz after the Cavs put the Raptors away, and when Drake sorta  looked like he was going in for a post game kiss from Lebron. Your thoughts?

You’ve the phrase a picture is worth a thousand words? But a video of Cavaliers star LeBron James channeling the legendary artist Prince for Halloween, is PRICELESS! Every Halloween, NBA players put on elaborate costumes and pose for pictures.This year at the Cav’s Halloween party, Lebron dressed up as the “Purple One”, and also put […]

Real talk: It’s impossible to hear this song and not sing along with it.    

Gloria James, the mother of Miami Heat superstar LeBron James was arrested in Miami Wednesday night. She allegedly assaulted a parking attendant at the Fontainebleau hotel, and was charged with misdemeanor assault, but was released early Thursday morning. This isn’t her first brush with controversy, nor is it James’ first run-in with the law. In […]

The Rev. Jesse Jackson blasted the owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers Sunday for treating Miami-bound LeBron James like a “runaway slave.” The civil rights leader slammed owner Dan Gilbert for calling James “disloyal” and “a coward” in an open letter to Cavaliers fans. “He speaks as an owner of LeBron and not the owner of […]