For iPad/iPhone users:  The “Knockout” game, have you heard of it? It’s a game where young people randomly target a person who is alone and…

Ever since CNN anchor Don Lemon (pictured) decided to start editorializing, he has not shown himself to be a serious thinker. Lemon has developed a…

For iPad/iPhone users: My first big story in the news business was the L.A. riots more than 20 years ago. I thought I’d seen just…


CNN’s Don Lemon invited The Guardian columnist Orville Lloyd Douglas onto his show to discuss his controversial article, “Why I Hate Being A Black Man.”…

For iPad/iPhone users: Have you seen the president’s poll numbers lately? Not good. They’re the lowest they’ve ever been. They’re as low as George W.…

For iPad/iPhone users: I want you to read something that caught my attention this week: “When we have more national championships than we do black…


CNN anchor Don Lemon, reviled on social media for a commentary headlined, “STOP and FRISK: Would You Rather Be Politically Correct or Safe and Alive?”…

For iPad/iPhone users: When we think of bullies we usually think of kids, mostly teenagers. But, adult bullying is real and was made plain this…

For iPad/iPhone users: Tom, if you and everyone in the U.S.  aren’t paying close attention to tonight’s mayoral race in New York City, you should…

For IPAD/IPOD users: I’m tired. Tired of getting dispatched on breaking news, rolling up to schools in the middle of the day, sometimes in the…

For IPAD/IPOD users: The saying “people hear what they want to hear” certainly applies to my commentary last week. Last week I talked about parental…

Let’s talk about the truth and some people who are not able to handle the truth. What do you think would happen to you or…