Chris Paul and his Morning Minute. LISTEN

Chris Paul jokes with the crew about Manny Pacquiao, Katt Williams and Kim Kardashian’s cat. LISTEN

Chris Paul jokes with the crew about Gabriel Aubry, cheating, and more on the TJMS. LISTEN

Chris Paul jokes about the latest with Kat Williams and others on The Morning Minute. LISTEN

Chris Paul jokes with the crew about Tina Turner’s birthday, Dolly Parton, and more on the TJMS. LISTEN

Chris Paul jokes with the crew about Katt Williams’ latest news and more on the TJMS. LISTEN

Chris Paul jokes about CIA Director David Petraeus’ resignation, the Los Angeles Lakers, and the woman who bought an “Ipad.” LISTEN

Chris Paul sings a funny but serious tune urging people to vote for President Barack Obama today. LISTEN

Chris Paul jokes with the crew about Jacque Reid and much more on the TJMS. LISTEN

Chris Paul jokes with the crew about Lil’ Wayne, preparing for Hurricane Sandy, and Katt Williams. LISTEN  

Chris Paul jokes with the crew about the NBA banning pre-game celebrations, Evander Holyfield, and much more on the TJMS. LISTEN

Chris Paul blasts through 60 seconds of the most popular headlines. LISTEN