In response to the violence, Jessica Anderson better known as Jessica Lá Rel wrote a song of encouragement titled "#WeCantBreath".

Entertainment News

Colin Kaepernick continues to make headlines for his determination to stand for his principles and make a difference. After his widely covered decision not to stand during the national anthem, Kaepernick was looked at as a hero to many, which is why it was of little surprise that his jersey became the number one best-seller […]


New evidence shows the DCCC's support of the Black Lives Matter movement is actually a farce.

Entertainment News

Another day, another black celebrity that has jumped on “all lives matter” train, this time it’s NFL player Cam Newton who has caused a social media uproar after an interview he did with ESPN was released. In the interview, Newton didn’t explicitly say that “all lives matter,” but he went a step further and proclaimed […]


Notable ESPN broadcaster John Saunders passed away at his house in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York on Wednesday.

One of the things the civil rights movement did best was stay on message with a central goal of ending Jim Crow segregation and racism. That message was delivered by the NAACP, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and of course the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) led by […]


The suit claims law enforcement officers 'employed unconstitutional tactics to disturb, disrupt, infringe upon, and criminalize.'


According to a new poll, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is edging out Donald Trump in the presidential race. The survey, conducted by CNN/ORC, revealed that Clinton’s rating increased by 7 points following the Democratic National Convention. Clinton is now in the lead with 52 percent, while Trump lags behind with 43 percent. There has also […]


A new report illustrates major racial disparities when it comes to organ donations in the United States. According to the study conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 58 percent of individuals in the U.S. on the organ donation list are Black, Latino, and Asian. African-Americans account for 30 percent of that […]

Every couple of months the rapper slash actor will pop up with some ridiculous way to stay relevant, and last week, he outdid himself.

Hillary Clinton will deliver the speech of her political life tonight. Here's what to look for.

Supporters and critics alike are looking for Hillary Clinton to follow through on criminal justice reforms if she is elected president.