
One in 68 U.S. children has an autism spectrum disorder, according to a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And, according to the…

Danny Oquendo (pictured left), who is the older brother of Avonte (pictured), the New York City 14-year-old child with autism who ran away from his…


Symeir Talley-Jasper, 4, walked out of the doors of his Brooklyn school and walked all the way home without one teacher or school employee noticing…

Less than a week after body parts were found in the East River in Queens, DNA testing has confirmed on Tuesday that the remains found…


NEW YORK (AP) — Police were investigating whether human remains found along the East River could be those of an autistic teen who walked out…

Although African Americans make up just 13 percent of the U.S. population, we account for 33 percent of the missing in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s database. Cases involving African Americans also tend to receive less media coverage than missing Whites, with missing men of color getting even less attention. NewsOne has partnered with the […]