About Foxy NC staff

Did someone confess to the murder of Kendrick Johnson? I hope investigators are one step closer to determining what happened to Johnson. The 17-year-old high…

Val Vilott, president of the DC Abortion Fund, has responded to “ignorant” conservatives who have recently voiced outrage over the organization’s controversial coat hanger pendants.…

You and Jesus can share the wheel as you pull up for a quick faith pick-me-up at Southwest Florida’s Estero United Methodist Church‘s (EUMC) drive-thru service, the…

Inventor Jan Matzeliger (pictured) placed his name in the history books by inventing and patenting the shoe lasting machine in the late 1800s. Matzeliger filed…

Tiffany Austin (pictured) claims to have felt much “gymtimidation” at a Planet Fitness in Richmond, Calif., after she was allegedly ordered by the gym’s staff…

It’s officially the first day of Spring! Check out this delicious “Country Time Pineapple Punch” recipe and cheers to good food and yummy drinks in…

03/20/14- Huggy Lowdown gives the hilariously funny rundown on just how odd it’s going to be not to see Tiger Woods in upcoming competitions due…