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The heat of summer is here, drawing us outside with its long, sun-drenched days that transition into starlit evenings. A season that many look forward to for its barbecues, rooftop gatherings, beach hangs and more, it’s one that invites us to deepen our spiritual connections and foster community. Black folx have always understood the power of community in nurturing the spirit—from praise houses to home-going ceremonies, connection has been the cornerstone of our roots.

As we transition from spring, an energy awakens as parks become vibrant meeting spaces and the air hums shared joy. This season of abundance provides fertile ground for cultivating shared spiritual experiences. Here are some ways to tap into summer’s magic and build connections that nourish your soul:

Join A Community Garden

Community gardens are lush spaces where life literally blossoms. Nurturing a plot of land alongside your neighbors can be a powerful experience for all involved, so you might consider joining one this summer. As you share the responsibility of tending the soil, planting seeds, and witnessing the fruits of your collective labor, a deeper connection takes root. You can even infuse mindfulness into the experience. Dedicate a portion of your gardening time to silent meditation, focusing on your breath and the life surrounding you. As you work with the soil, offer gratitude for the earth’s bounty and the connections you’re cultivating.

Volunteering For A Cause

Summer often offers more free time. Consider dedicating some of it to volunteering for a cause that ignites your passion. Working alongside others in service to your community fosters a sense of shared purpose and connection. Seek out organizations focused on social justice, environmental causes, or initiatives that support the well-being of your community. Contributing your time and talents alongside others who share your fire ignites a powerful sense of belonging and collective spirit.

Gather Outside

Summer awakens a natural desire for outside gatherings. You may be interesting in exploring local events that center spiritual traditions. This could be anything from drum circles under the stars to guided meditations or sunrise yoga sessions at the beach. Being present in these spaces with others seeking spiritual nourishment fosters a sense of connection and belonging. The shared experience of uplifting music, mindful practices, and the beauty of the natural world creates a powerful container for shared spirit.

Deepening Connections Throughout the Season

While organized events offer a great starting point, fostering connection extends beyond them. Here are some ways to integrate spiritual connection into your everyday summer interactions:

  • Organize potlucks with friends and neighbors, incorporating a short guided meditation or group reflection before the meal. Sharing food, conversation, and a moment of collective introspection strengthens bonds and creates a space for shared spirit.
  • Transform your daily walk into a mindful exploration. Pay attention to the intricate details of nature—the dappled sunlight filtering through leaves, the sound of the wind moving through the trees. Engage in mindful conversation with your surroundings, fostering deeper connection with the natural world around you.
  • Stargazing with Intention: As the sun dips below the horizon, gather with loved ones to gaze upon the celestial spectacle. Reflect on the vastness of the universe, the interconnectedness of all things, and the shared human experience beneath the glittering expanse of stars.

By incorporating these practices into your summer routine, you can transform the season into one of shared spirit. Fostering connection is a continuous process. Be open to new experiences, embrace the unexpected encounters that summer presents, and hold space for the power of shared joy and purpose.

Steph R. Long is a Chopra-certified Ayurvedic health instructor, meditation instructor, and well-being coach. She’s also the founder of holistic wellness and coaching company SRL Well-Being and the former Deputy Director of Enterprise for Refinery29 Unbothered, where she oversaw health, wellness, and spirituality content. As a queer Black wellness practitioner who strives toward inclusivity, Steph centers BIPOC and QTBIPOC, who are often underserved by the wellness industry. Her commitment is to help everyone rediscover their inner wisdom, empowering each of her clients to cultivate self-awareness and lead vibrant, purposeful lives.


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Cultivating Connection During The Summer Months  was originally published on