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What does it mean when small amounts of dog poop drop without them knowing it? The dog will be 11-years-old in November.

It could be fecal incontinence which is loss of control of the muscle of the anus. This could be serious, so I recommend a visit to the vet for this condition.

Dr. Blue I have a 3-year-old boxer who likes to play with and eat small geckos and toads that are in our backyard here in Florida. Is there a safe laxative I can give her to help flush out her system after she’s eaten one?

I don’t recommend a laxative for this as that may cause loss of hydration, thus leading to symptoms of dehydration and possible toxicity. The best thing is to train the dog out of the habit and make sure the dog has plenty of fluids. However Florida has invasive species that can be poisonous, so try to identify what animals are in your yard and always consult with your veterinarian for treatment options.

I have an 11-year-old toy poodle. She has 4 hard knots around one of her nipples. The vet said he can do a mastectomy. Should I do that? She has no other symptoms yet.

I would consider it, as it may be mammary cancer. However she is 11-years-old, so you need to consider quality of life versus surgery. Maybe a biopsy would be best to determine if it is cancer and if not, let her live with it.

Dr. Blue, my Jack Russell terrier goes into panic attacks when it thunderstorms. There’s heavy panting and she shakes terribly….Is there something I can do or give her to reassure her it’s going to be OK? I normally just hold her to reassure her it’s OK.

Holding her is a great way to reassure her. However if she continues to be in a panic, you can purchase sedatives to calm her or use diphenhydramine at 1mg per pound, but as always, consult with your vet.

Doctor, I have a pit/lab mix and a full-blood pit. They both like eating wood. How do I prevent that? Also, do you recommend docking tail and clipping ears and what age is too late for that?

The best thing for wood chewing is training them out of that behavior and using other things like toys or exercise to occupy their time. I recommend aesthetic surgery as young as possible to prevent any pain. If they are older dogs, I don’t recommend it now.

Doc, our dog is allergic to dust and mold. What over-the-counter meds can we give him?

Diphenhydramine starting at 1mg per pound every 12 hours with 1 Zyrtec once daily can help. That’s a start. After that consult with your vet.

I have pits and been trying to keep them cool during the day. Is hitting them with water from the hose is right or wrong to cool them down?

It can be used as a cooling technique, however be sure to make sure that they are not drying in the high heat of the direct sun as this can cause burning and also, that they are not already overheated, as this can cause shock.

My uncle has cattle dogs. Does he have to round them up to put sunscreen on them and throw them back into the field? Do we need to do the same for the horses and cattle, since they are also “pets” in a sense?

Usually not as they have plenty of hair to cover them and are used to working.

Doc I have a miniature pinscher and she is constantly scratching. She has been bathed and treated for fleas. Any suggestions?

It could be allergies which sucks and can be difficult to diagnose and treat. I recommend a exam by your veterinarian.

I give my dog Nexgard for flea treatment but he has been bitten anyhow. Is there something I can use to control the itching, his scratching is driving me crazy and I can’t imagine what he’s feeling.

If the Nexgard is not working, consult with your veterinarian for a different product possibly a dual prevention like orals and topical. Also discuss treatment for puritis.

I help care for an elderly woman with 4 dogs. One dog licks everything! Can you ask the vet why she would do this? Yes, everything…floors, sofa, cabinets, etc.

It could be behavioral, anxiety, or a deficiency. Have an annual exam done with blood work and a fecal for her with your veterinarian.

Doc. I have a dog who has allergies. He had a really bad outbreak this year, where he’s losing hair, and is very itchy. I took him to the vet and she ruled out mites with a skin scrape. She prescribed an anti-fungal, an antibiotic, and an antihistamine. This cleared him up right away. This was expensive, though. What can I do naturally or are there at-home remedies to combat his allergies? I mean, the dog sneezes, seems congested, and is itchy. Please help.

If the allergies are that bad, most home remedies will not work. But you can change his diet to Hill Derm Defense. Also try diphenhydramine at  1mg per pound with 1 Zyrtec a day.

Doctor, I have a Rottweiler puppy about 7 or 8 months old that eat sticks and grass. Will that hurt her?

It can indeed lead to parasites or a foreign body that can lead to serious gastroenteritis. Train her out of that behavior ASAP. However, dogs will eat grass from time to time as they are omnivores.

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Get Well Wednesday: Summer Care For Your Furry Friends  was originally published on

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