News One

In the fight to get Jeff Sessions confirmed as attorney general, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) pulled his very own race card, saying opposing Democrats were the party of the Ku Klux Klan.


In hollow pandering of the usual kind, Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz said on Wednesday that President Barack Obama had “inflamed racial tensions” during his…

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on Monday became the first Republican presidential candidate to declare himself in the race. The declaration is not much to snuff…

Radio One

Only in the mind of birthers would it make sense for a foreign-born white man to suggest that an American-born black president somehow doesn’t belong…

I already knew that radical Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas has real contempt for President Barack Obama, but his recent racially-offensive joke was a…

What went wrong for Republicans in their recent showdown with the president and Democrats over the debt ceiling and funding the government? “We picked the…

Roland Martin finds it funny that the Tea Party has not questioned Sen. Ted Cruz’s citizenship, even though the Texas lawmaker, who has an American-born mother, was…