Idris Elba is truly an intriguing man–and not just for his looks (although that is more than enough to snag our attention). There are lots…

In No Good Deed Idris Elba is the villain and Taraji P. Henson is the terrified mother who must save herself and her child. If…

It’s a “No Good Deed” ticket take over. Listen for the cue to call to win your passes to one of the most talked about movies starring two of Hollywood’s heavyweights, Taraji P. Henson and Idris Elba. Caller #10 wins at 1-80-467-3699. “No Good Deed,” is the story of a devoted wife and mother starring […]

Here we go again. Oleebo gets interrupted by his Dominican landlord, but he was still in his own way able to review the new movie…