Independent candidate Dr.. Cornel West has named Dr. Melina Abdullah as his nominee for vice president in his election campaign. The move makes it the first time that an-all Black presidential ticket has been named.

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently announced that he will be dropping out of the Presidential race. At one point, many believed that the Republican hopeful would be a strong rival for former President Donald Trump.  But, during his campaign, DeSantis came to realize that he was not in position to reach the […] The post DeSantis Suspending Presidential Campaign appeared first on WIBC 93.1 FM.


Editor, Naomi Schalit, spoke with Notre Dame election law scholar Derek Muller about the Supreme Court’s decision to take the Trump case. The post What Does The US Supreme Court Decision On Trump-Colorado Ballot Case Mean For Democracy? appeared first on NewsOne.

Former president Donald Trump has raised more alarms about his authoritarian leanings as he told Sean Hannity in an interview that he'd only be a dictator on "day one" if reelected.

The twice-impeached president has announced that, despite legal issues and GOP's poor midterm performance, he's running again in 2024.