
Black Friday kicked off with long lines, the best deals and of course mayhem. Facebook and Twitter were ablaze with pictures and videos of adults acting badly, it all boils down to “no home” training. Adults acting badly

Is this your Paw Paw? This video gives new meaning to Grand Pappa’s got a brand new bag. It looks like he needs to work off the little blue pill. Grandpa Proves Age is Just a Number Goes Out to a Club vid.

Check out this Toddlers and Tiaras parody of pageant superstar Alana “Honey Boo Boo” child, and her extreme couponing mom, 25 years later. Caution listen with headsets.

Chris Brown and his body-guard were arrested over the weekend in DC for felony assault. Brown allegedly attacked a man outside of the W Hotel on K and 15 Streets. It’s reported Brown got into an argument, and began punching the man after the situation got heated. You may recall, he’s still on probation for […]

It’s that time of year again, Halloween is just around the corner and you’re picking your brain on what costume to get or make for your children. Yes, you heard me right “make” a costume, back in the day my friends and I where creative making our Halloween costumes. Watch the video of a little […]

After you get over the shock, then you begin to feel sorry for Taye. Watching this video over and over it becomes a bit humorous. The next question people will ask, Taye how’s your forehead feeling?

We all have habits, both good and bad. However, your bad habits may have an effect your wallet and health. Imagine how much money you could save and lived a healthier lifestyle if that vice was eliminated.

Has this ever happen to you a spouse or significant other cheats? When someone steps out on their marriage should the marriage be over? Ask Ivan Lewis his thoughts on the matter, he cheated on his wife and is making a public appeal on social media. He needs 10,000 likes for his wife to take […]

A North Carolina man has failed again in his attempt to float across the Atlantic under a cluster of balloons. Instead of using a conventional hot-air balloon, Jonathan Trappe, lifted off using more than 300 helium-filled balloons, like those used in the animated movie “Up”. A representative for Trappe’s, say a technical glitch just 12 […]

While the Zimmerman trial plays out on cable networks, several gamers are outraged by a smart phone game. The game called Angry Trayvon has managed to anger enough people that the developer has promised to shut it down. The game was developed by Trade Digital in December 2012 and first appeared in the Google Play […]

At the recent G8 Summit President Barack Obama called the United Kingdom’s Finance Minister by the wrong first name; his name is George Osborne, but at least 3 times the president called him Jeffrey.  “I’m sorry, I keep confusing your name with my favorite R&B singer Jeffrey Osborne”.  The singer says he didn’t know he […]

The commercial featuring a biracial family has led to a debate over race in the US. Social media comments have been fierce, nasty and unusually racist after the makers of Cheerios last week aired and then posted online a commercial featuring a sweet, mixed-race girl. According to Cheerios, the commercial is a step in the […]