
Any hardworking, caring parent who has fought the urge to knock teeth down a rebellious teenage throat through which ungratefulness is spewing understands why Tommy Jordan shot his daughter’s laptop computer. That’s right. Shot it. Nine times. With his .45. Not that the gun or the bullets are the subject here. They are just the […]

Graphic images of the 160 dogs collected in a raid last week in Stokes County show the dogs sleeping in their own waste, in makeshift kennels that had exposed wires and an infestation of mice. But Kim Alboum, director of the Humane Society of North Carolina, which took the pictures, hopes some good will come […]

Today at 3PM its Hump Wednesday on the Michael Baisden Show Soldiers Welcome with Rachel Maddow Interviews Geography for kids

Black love is passionate and inspiring. Iconic writer Zora Neale Hurston once said, “Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.” Here are the couples NewsOne has chosen that demonstrate the true essence of what Black love is all about. Happy Valentine’s Day! 1)Barack and Michelle Obama: Their love is authentic, and they […]

A Cary couple was killed Sunday when their car was struck by oncoming traffic on West Chatham Street, police said. Police say 22-year-old Martikia Adams was driving in a Saturn with her boyfriend, 26-year-old Brian Cobb, when she attempted to turn left onto Cary Parkway and crossed into the path of a Dodge Avenger. Adams […]

Funeral services for singer Whitney Houston will be held Saturday at noon at New Hope Baptist Church in Newark. The private ceremony is open to invited guests only and her burial will also be private. Houston’s body arrived late Monday at the funeral home, borne by a hearse and escorted by police after arriving at […]

Today at 3PM 1st hour: Call the one you love! Michael will have listeners three way their partners and say something sweet and record for the show. 2nd hour: Valentines Day Escape! Why do some men and women try to scheme their way out of celebrating Valentines Day? 3rd – Call the one you love! […]

Check out my interview with Ray Parker Jr. as he talks about his start in the music industry.

This afternoon at 3p.m. don’t miss the Michael Baisden Show. Michael discusses the following topic on making a good thing better Monday. 1st hour: After The Affair: Can relationships survive infidelity and even be stronger? 2nd hour: Why do some people blame themselves for their partner cheating? 3rd hour: One strike and you’re out! Why […]

The Tom Joyner Morning Show pays tribute to Whitney Houston. LISTEN