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Actor Idris Elba has long expressed his plans to move into directing film and TV projects, but now he’s finally getting the chance to step…

The family of a West African immigrant killed in his Harlem apartment by NYPD officers is suing the city for $20 million, hoping the suit…

The little-told story of pioneering African-American George Washington (pictured) and his founding of the city of Centerville (now called Centralia) in Washington state is fascinating.…

  As one political quandary ends, so comes the advent of another. The same GOP brats who stubbornly chose to stick with governing through the art…

A photographer who snapped photos of Sasha (pictured left) and Malia Obama (pictured right) during the Obamas’ Hawaii vacation last week has been banned from…

After news spread like wildfire over the holiday break that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are expecting their first child together, everyone had something to…

Executives at NBC have revealed that a Donald Trump Administration might have been closer to reality than incredulous voters believed. According NBC Chairman Robert Greenblatt,…