About Foxy NC staff

TV impresario Mark Burnett has brought you reality shows like Survivor, Shark Tank and The Voice but many viewers of those shows might not know…

As millions watched the Winter Olympic Games over the weekend, many  were taken aback when the Jamaican bobsled team took front-and-center sporting helmets with watermelon…

02/14/18- Comedian Chris Paul runs through the day’s hottest topics including Barbara Walters revealing the nickname for her vibrator. Ummm….

02/18/14- Jacque Reid goes “Inside Her Story” with Joe Brewster about his  documentary “American Promise” and the difficulty of raising young black men in America.…

There are certain white actors who enjoy popularity in the black community that other ones just don’t have. One of those actors is Kevin Costner,…

For iPhone users: First I want to start by praising Jordan Davis’ mother and father for the dignity they’ve displayed throughout this entire ordeal. The…

02/18/14- Huggy Lowdown has dreams of winning the $400m Powerball!

02/18/14- Sybil Wilkes discusses today’s news headlines including the latest on the alleged female Craig’s List killer.

A friend from Chicago, a black female physician, had a sobering conversation with her three school-age sons days before a Florida jury failed to convict…