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Though Tameka “Tiny” Cottle is looking good these days after an “it’s about time” makeunder, some people just can’t stay out of the woman’s business.…

My cousin Robyn is a beautiful young girl on the verge of womanhood, with a quirky sense of humor, a curious mind and a sweetness…

Apparently, we are all dead wrong in the way history views the White supremacist organization the Ku Klux Klan, according to Frank Ancona, imperial wizard of the…

I’m not sure what’s more exhausting: The invocation of primates when discussing Black people, much less the first Black man to be elected president of the…

A California father, in an effort to protect his son, has taken matters into his own hands by filing a restraining order against his alleged…

According to TMZ, Columbus Short, who plays gladiator Harrison Wright on ABC’s  “Scandal”, was in L.A. at a place called Gabes Bar & Grill celebrating…

Talk show hostess Wendy Williams is gunning for the title of Queen of All Media. Not only is she hosting The Wendy Williams Show now…

A growing trend of African American women are deciding not to have children, either for health or personal reasons. Melanie Notkin, the author of “Otherhood”…

Huggy Lowdown gives us the rundown on the latest in celebrity news, including giving up stupidity for Lent, the Brown family reunion at Rikers. Plus,…