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Carnival’s CEO Arnold Donald is partying with a purpose April 11th-19th on the 2015 Fantastic Voyage Cruise! “We are delighted that you took, so we have…

08/29/14 – Sybil Wilkes is discussing the morning’s news headlines live from the 2014 Allstate Tom Joyner Morning Show. Click the link above to hear…

Remy Ma has been on a mission ever since she was released from prison last month, and it hasn’t left her much time to spend…

Did you know that at least 20 states have sentencing policies that allow them to determine the severity of a criminal sentence based on factors…

I’m as excited over the prospects of casting a vote for Hillary Clinton for president as I am being given a pedicure with a butcher’s knife. Clinton…

“Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” was full of break ups, but Simcee says one couple might be reunited in the process. Listen to the latest  Bootleg Reality Review in the…

This weekend multi-platinum Grammy award winning artist, Faith Evans will be honored at Atlanta’s black gay pride celebration. where she will receive their 2014 humanitarian award. “One…

08/28/14 – Comedian Chris Paul blasts through the hottest celebrity headlines in less than 60 seconds on the TJMS. Click the link above to hear…

08/28/14 – Have you heard about the USC player that lied about saving his nephew? Huggy Lowdown dishes the celebrity dirt about the football star…