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How does following your instincts work in finding your best relationship? 

What I wrote primarily was about finding out who you are and what you bring to the table when you enter into a relationship and what type of person best fits you and you best fit. It might not get into the numbers that might be in his cellphone but it does get down to who the he is that he ought to be that you’re going to feel comfortable with or as a man you’re not going to be circling the block dreading to go into your own house because you chose somebody who doesn’t fit your core. But if you don’t know your core, you don’t know you, you don’t know how to pick for you. So getting down to your core, getting down to your essence is really what it’s all about.

How does hearing God’s word help you figure out where you should best put your energy? 

I did a show on Oprah’s Lifeclass about getting to your core. That’s comes from your creativity, your passion.We got people 30 years old and tired, 25 years old and can’t get out the bed because we’re stressed out doing what we have to do not what we’re created to do. That comes from prayer life and a consecration and asking God for his will. But sometimes God doesn’t talk to you about whether to buy the red house or the blue house. Most of the time, God speaks to you about directional, pivotal changes in your life, details are left to your instincts and personal preferences.

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In New Book, T.D. Jakes Urges You To Follow Your Instincts  was originally published on

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