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Be A Sweaty Mama 

I know you are tired and lugging an extra 20 lbs around doesn’t present the most desirable conditions for exercise, however to that I say: Sweat anyway. Fellow FitGirl and Revolve spin instructor Francina SegBefia is pregnant, and knows a thing or two on how to be active in way that is safe for both mommy and baby. So here’s the scoop. If you haven’t exercised for a while, begin with as little as five minutes of physical activity a day. Then from there build up from there until you reach at least 30 minutes a day.

However if you have been getting good use out of your gym membership before pregnancy you can probably continue to work out at the same level while you’re pregnant — as long as you’re feeling comfortable and your health care provider says it’s cool. It is totally worth it. Since “eliminating that regular workout could possibly cause excess weight gain, a more difficult labor and a tougher time taking off the weight after birth,” according to SegBefia. For more tips visit her blog “Healthy & Fit Mama: Working Out While Pregnant,”

Prep Your Pooch

Add science to sweat and prep your pooch. The area of the body that most ladies are afraid the see change after pregnancy is their midsection. However here comes Leah Keller, MA, CPT to the rescue. Keller is the founder & CEO behind The Dia Method– a groundbreaking approach to protecting and restoring the abdominal wall. Grounded in science and backed by results, The Dia Method teaches you how to activate your transverse abdominis (your natural corset) through isometric contractions while seamlessly reinforcing the strength, resilience and elasticity of both the linea alba and the rectus abdominis. Basically in minutes a day, you can protect your body during pregnancy, train for a faster/easier labor, and achieve flat, firm abdominal muscles soon after childbirth. So check out both of Keller’s prenatal and post pregnancy fitness DVDs today.

Robbie Ann Darby (RAD Experience) is a professional FitGirl, Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer in NYC. Follow her sweaty life on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more fun health and fitness tips!

BABY ON BOARD: 5 Tips To A Healthy & Happy Pregnancy  was originally published on

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