
Dr. Jennifer Caudle explained on NewsOne Now that many African-Americans don't realize how important sleep is and many of us take it for granted. According to Caudle, the average American should get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Unfortunately, the majority of the American populace does not reach this mark.

Older or younger, you already know you should be working out more. But now, a new study suggests that getting more fit might also reduce…


Barbershops are central to the narrative of Black manhood in the United States. It is where jokes are cracked, friends are made, issues debated, and,…

“Take a Loved One To the Doctor Day” in the City of Medicine was a huge success yesterday. The goal–to raise awareness and bring to the forefront health issues affecting the African-American community. Over 200 participants attended seminars on fitness, healthy cooking tips and free health screenings. Check out TALOTDD photos .

Older people who have larger waistlines, high blood pressure and other risk factors associated with a condition doctors call “metabolic syndrome” may be at higher risk of memory problems. usatoday Read More