Well, police aren’t saying the gold heist near Wilson WASN’T an inside job. It could have been. Maybe? Here’s what we know about the robbery on I-95, according to WNCN: -The guards stopped for gas in S.C. At some point, the smell of gas made one of the passengers sick. They pulled over to the side of […]

The internet and news stations have been buzzing with word of a truck carrying $4 million worth of silver and gold that was robbed on I-95 near Wilson on Sunday. Apparently, the valuables were being transported between Massachusetts and Miami. The tractor trailer experienced some mechanical issues and pulled over in Wilson County. There were […]

This guy Jay Z just can’t be stopped. After responding to criticism surrounding the recent racial profiling with Barney’s, Jay is gearing up to release…

As Gabby continues to make her media rounds in celebration of her gold medal wins, her family is feuding over her millions. Reports have surfaced that her parents are fighting over her endorsement deals which are expected to start at $10 million in the next couple of weeks. Sources said that her earnings may even […]

Gold and silver were tIn times of troubles, some look to friends, some prayer, some party, and smart investors buy precious metals like gold and silver. With gold hitting a record $1600 per ounce this week and silver heading up towards the previous May high, it looks like the investment community is nervous and seeking […]