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Award-winning actor and recording artist Jennifer Hudson dons the iconic Milk Mustache to encourage moms to set the table with milk and build strong families.As a new mom, Jennifer is proud to join the campaign to let other moms know that milk is naturally nutrient-rich like no other beverage and provides a unique mix of essential nutrients that your family needs.
Launched in Black History Month, the new campaign brings a message that’s especially important for African American families who research suggests, may be less likely to put milk on the table.Milk is the leading source of vitamin D in the American diet, yet less than seven percent of African Americans meet the three daily servings of milk recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.1 In fact, studies show that African American women are 10 times more likely to be vitamin D deficient than Caucasian women, and new research suggests low vitamin D levels may even help explain why African Americans are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases – affecting nearly half of all African American women.2,3,4
Visit to check out behind-the-scenes video
of her ad shoot and column where Jennifer shares her thoughts on becoming a new mom. got milk?


1 Beydoun MA, Gary TL, Caballero BH, Lawrence RS, Cheskin LJ, Wang Y. Ethnic differences in dairy and related nutrient consumption among US adults and their association with obesity, central obesity, and the metabolic syndrome. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2008;87:1914-1925.
2 Nesby-O’Dell S, Scanlon KS, Cogswell ME, Gillespie C, Hollis BW, Looker AC, Allen C, Doughertly C, Gunter EW, Bowman BA. Hypovitaminosis D prevalence and determinants among African American and white women of reproductive age: third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2002;76:187-192.
3 Fiscella K, Franks P. Vitamin D, race, and cardiovascular mortality: Findings from a national US sample. Annals of Family Medicine. 2010;8:11-18.
4 Lloyd-Jones D, Adams RJ, Brown TM, Carnethon M, Dai S, De Simone G, Ferguson TB, Ford E, Furie K, Gillespie C, Go A, Greenlund K, Haase N, Hailpern S, Ho PM, Howard V, Kissela B, Kittner S, Lackland D, Lisabeth L, Marelli A, McDermott MM, Meigs J, Mozaffarian D, Mussolino M, Nichol G, Roger V, Rosamond W, Sacco R, Sorlie P, Stafford R, Thom T, Wasserthiel-Smoller S, Wong ND, Wylie-Rosett J; on behalf of the American Heart Association
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