Our Moments

If there is one person from history whose impact on the Black woman’s self-image rivals that of Oprah Winfrey, it is the hair mogul Madame…

American writer, Maya Angelou survived a tough childhood and early adulthood to become a singer, actress, activist, and writer. In 1993, she came to much…

Althea Gibson lived in Harlem in the 1930s and 1940s. Her family was on welfare. She was a client of the Society for Prevention of…

Coretta Scott King is among the most influential women in American history. Her contributions to the progression and development of American Society have left a…

In honor of Black History Month, we profile the woman who stood by Dr. Martin Luther King’s side during his reign, his wife Coretta Scott…

As we celebrate Black History month, we pay tribute to Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks was a modest seamstress on her way home from work when…