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There are bad habits and then there are BAD HABITS – habits that effect your health.

1- Sleeping with makeup on; doing this regularly will cause clogged pores and a breeding ground for bacteria.  You could develop milia (small, hard bumps on the skin) and sleeping in eye makeup could cause swollen eyes.

2- Wearing flats to your destination then changing into heels; flats aren’t really good for your feet, especially ballerina style flats you can fit in your purse.  They dobn’t provide enough support, stability or cushioning; they could lead to plantar fasciitis….that’s an inflammation of the thick tissue on the bottom of the foot.  Sky high heels can cause, foot sprains to broken ankles; wearing the wrong shoes too long can lead to prolonged pain, physical therapy and cortisone injections.

3- Sleeping or napping in contacts can cause dry eyes and even eye infections; there’s a 300m to 1,000% increaded risk of developing serious infections of the cornea because of sleeping ion contacts.

4- Not flossing daily; food stuck between your teeth can turn to bacteria that eats away the enamel and causes decay; this leads to cavities, gum disease, root canals and tooth loss.

5- Eating too much fast food; this leads to weight gain and a lot of health issues; these foods are also low in nutritional value and usually are breaded and fried.  You can develop cravings for salt, sugar and fat.

6- Drinking too much alcohol can cause liver disease; for women it causes a disruption in menstrual cycles and increases the risk of infertility, miscarriage, still birth and premature delivery.  Women become more susceptible to cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, colon and breast.

7-  Not exercising enough; exercising wards off worrying, fatigue, weight gain and can change your mental state; not taking care of your body will reflect in other areas of your life.