U.S. Treasury plans to add a ‘notable woman’ to the $10 bill. http://t.co/F033Lf6aD2pic.twitter.com/2lsdCgrhSP — New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) June 18, 2015 Move over Alexander…

Has this ever happen to you a spouse or significant other cheats? When someone steps out on their marriage should the marriage be over? Ask Ivan Lewis his thoughts on the matter, he cheated on his wife and is making a public appeal on social media. He needs 10,000 likes for his wife to take […]

Ella Edwards, the mother of a college student who died in 2009 unexpectedly  launched an online petition asking the loan company First Marblehead Corp to forgive a $10,000 student loan taken out by her son Jermaine Edwards, that  she could not afford to repay, Edwards, a 61-year-old who works part-time as a seamstress, had gained […]